The episode occurred at a gas store corner shop situated at 103 S. Santa Clause Fe Street, Wolfe City. Cost was clearly attempting to isolate a battle between a man and a lady close to the store.

At the point when the police initially showed up, as indicated by Price’s family, he was first tased and afterward shot. Individuals have reacted to this with overwhelming sadness.

Some even have set up a GoFundme page and a few people are attempting to make sure about free legitimate administrations for the helpless family. Jonathan Price is at present or all the more precisely only 32 years when he was murdered in a weapon shooting by police.

We don’t have the foggiest idea about the intense date of his introduction to the world however subtleties on that will be accessible if the examination is conveyed forward. As indicated by Price’s family, a vigil will be hung on Monday at 7 pm.

Cost doesn’t have Wikipedia however after he has been murdered, I am certain insights concerning his life will be soon a matter of talk. The cop shot him on numerous occasions and not long after that, Price was dead. Individuals have been dismal and making passionate recognitions for Price.

There are solid voices against the police after this episode since it seems like individuals of color consistently endure shamefulness because of police. A cop hasn’t offered any comments on the occurrence. Shaun Lucas is the official who was liable for this episode.

We don’t have a clue about the names of his relatives yet they truly need some help at this hour. Shaun Lucas-the official has been conceded a regulatory leave yet the examination hasn’t yet been completed.