Further, supportive of Russians transferred John’s video on the web, where John had pursued for help from British state head Boris Johnson. The video has drawn individuals’ consideration as it is moving on the web at the ongoing date.


Furthermore, John’s loved ones have affirmed John’s genuine personality from the new video coursed on the web. Then again, many individuals have worried about his wellbeing as he would confront capital punishment in imprisonment.

John Harding Captured Video In Ukraine Trending On Twitter John Harding’s video clarifying his condition in imprisonment for the Russian Journalist has been moving on Twitter the next day. He battled for Ukraine with the Azov Regiment, the Ukrainian National Gaurd.

Russian writer Kim Marina has coursed the caught video on different social stages, including YouTube, Telegram, and Twitter. John apparently has been battling for Ukraine starting around 2018 in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas district.

Thousand of individuals have petitioned God for the security of John and requested his assistance on friendly stages. Many contemplates whether the caught video is from may as the Russian soldiers apparently caught his group in the city of Mariupol in May 2022.

John Harding Death Penalty John Harding conceivably confronted capital punishment, as referenced in the video. Further, the Russian Journalist implied about capital punishment in the video, where the Journalist requested John’s final words in the event that he got a capital punishment.

Then again, many individuals are apprehensive for his life as the Russian intermediary court in the DPR condemned two British men, Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, to death last month.

Further, British guide specialist Paul Urey died in bondage because of medical problems as Russian separatists kept him half a month prior.

In any case, there has been no credible source to check in the event that John got a capital punishment before very long. Everybody has appealed to God for his wellbeing so he can get back securely.

Russian Journalist delivered his video on Friday. In this manner, individuals keep thinking about whether he is as yet more secure at the ongoing date.

— ™️ (@yugan___) July 18, 2022

John Harding Family Wife and Children John Harding was a family man with a spouse and kids. He has a lovely little girl back in Sunderland, England. In any case, in a meeting, he has not shared individual insights concerning his better half and little girl.

Then again, he has referenced he missed the days with his girl and wished to invest more energy with his little girl back in his home. His message has dissolved the hearts of thousands of individuals.

It is unforgiving to become familiar with a father is engaging for help so he can invest more energy with his dearest little girl. We send our requests for his security by means of this article.