Well as we know, with great power usually comes corruption. About 4 months ago, Polaris began an advertisement for a “civil war” type event where they pitted TotalBiscuit and Angry Joe against each other. They would choose players from Polaris to play co-op games that would eventually determine the winner. Viewers had a choice to watch the full game or watching the Recap/Precap videos, which starred Jesse Cox and his comedic commentary.  

It would seem, though, that Cox was anything but happy behind the scenes. He posted a screenshot of his YouTube comment to Twitter on January 25th.  

 The video that went along with this post has since been made private. It was apparently a new Precap/Recap video that did not have Cox in it. 

The one who is supposed to be replacing Cox as host is a YouTuber by the name of CaffCast. He responded on Reddit, saying:  

There has been no response from Angry Joe or Polaris since these posts. We can assume from the taking down of the video that they are either embarrassed, or trying to hide what has actually happened. Cox has not revealed on whether he is quitting Polaris or not.

Hey everyone, Caff of The CaffCast here; I’m the host on this episode of the Recap/Precap. I want to start off by apologising to Jesse and anyone else who didn’t give their full approval for the show to go ahead like this. I genuinely feel terrible at this point for taking part (and, quite frankly, betrayed), so I wanted to explain what I understood the situation to be. I was approached by Polaris to take over from Jesse after which they explained to me (via Email/Skype) they had FULL approval from Jesse & Angryjoe for me to take over in the way you see in this video (I made it clear I didn’t want anyone to be upset or to burn any bridges after having just joined the network). I am still quite a small channel (less than 40k subs) and only joined Polaris recently, so naturally when an opportunity like this comes along I was really excited to be taking part (this was actually my first time taking part in a big production like this). Had I of known Polaris weren’t being fully transparent about the opportunity they offered me I would have never taken part. I hope that this has not caused anyone to think less of me professionally, as I look up to and aspire to be like a number of the Polaris members I worked with on the civil war. I hope to work with you all again in the future with more transparency from the production team. 

What do you think about this situation? Do you feel like there is more to the story or that Jesse Cox has helped reveal evil within Polaris? Let us know in the comments.