Jeremy James Osmond Biography Jeremy James Osmond was born on July 31, 1979, and is the most established of five kin. Brandon was born on January 29, 1985, and is the third most established kid.

Christopher was born on December 12, 1990, and is the most youthful of the four kin. Joshua, Jeremy’s most youthful child brother, was born on February 16, 1998. Every one of the four of Jeremy’s kin get along wonderfully.

Jeremy James Osmond has four kin: Donald Clark Osmond Jr., Brandon Michael Osmond, Christopher Glenn Osmond, and Joshua Davis Osmond.

Jeremy James Osmond’s Net Worth Through his work as a physical specialist, Jeremy James Osmond has amassed a total assets of $2 million. He functions as a specialist in Lindon, Utah. A physical specialist’s typical yearly compensation in the United States is $81,640.

Debbie Osmond, Jeremy James Osmond’s mom, has a total assets of $600,000, which she has gathered as an entertainer and money manager. Jeremy’s dad, Donny Osmond, has an expected total assets of $18 million. Donny’s fortune was acquired as an entertainer, performer, and notable TV character.

Who is Donny Osmond dating? Jeremy James Osmond isn’t at present dating anybody. He is hitched and doesn’t have any desire to imperil his marriage with an extramarital relationship Aside from that, he is focused on his kids’ turn of events and future. In 2002, Jeremy wedded his significant other, Melisa Osmond. Their marriage has endured over decade.