Jennifer Pan Biography Jennifer Pan was born on 17 June 1986. She’s 36 and a Gemini. Markham, Canada, is home. Her mom, Bich Ha Pan, and her dad, Huei Hann Pan, moved to Canada from Vietnam.

Jennifer’s 1989-born brother is Felix. This character began piano illustrations at 4 and figure skating classes most days of the week.

She had Olympic dreams until she tore a knee tendon. This understudy played woodwind in Mary Ward Catholic High School’s band.

Her folks wouldn’t allow her to show up at parties while she was at school. Her folks anticipated that she should do well in primary school, however she just did as such in music in secondary school. Jennifer fashioned report cards utilizing misleading formats to trick her folks.

In the wake of bombing grade 12 math, Ryerson denied her initial confirmation. She started deceiving those she knew, including her folks since she was unable to bear disappointment. All things considered, she sat in bistros, showed piano, and worked in a café.

She advised her folks she won grants to keep up the act. Afterward, she guaranteed Jennifer had acknowledged a pharmacology program at U of T. Jennifer purchased utilized reading material and watched pharmacology-related recordings to make fake class notes.

She likewise requested that consent stay close to grounds with a companion for the week. Jennifer remained with secondary school sweetheart Daniel Chi-Kwong Wong. Wong worked at a Boston Pizza and was Chinese and Filipino. He went to Mary Ward prior to being moved to Cardinal Carter Academy in North York, Toronto, and afterward York University. He sold maryjane.

Life As An Adult While claiming to complete her certificate at the University of Toronto, she illuminated her folks that she had started chipping in at The Hospital for Sick Children. At the point when her folks saw she didn’t have an emergency clinic ID identification or uniform, they became dubious. Her mom once followed her little girl to “work” and immediately found her trickiness.

Jennifer’s dad was angry and needed to remove her from the house, yet she convinced him to let her visit. Jennifer in the end started attempting to complete secondary school since she had not finished it because of bombing math. Her folks later urged her to apply to college. Jennifer, then again, was not permitted to contact Wong or leave her piano-instructing position.

In any case, they conveyed in private during this time. Jennifer’s sweetheart had become worn out on attempting to seek after a relationship with her when she was 24, on the grounds that Jennifer was so scared and confined by her folks that she inhabited home and just met him covertly. He cut off his friendship with Jennifer and started dating another young lady.

Murder In spring 2010, she reached Andrew Montemayor. Montemayor rejects that Andrew flaunted about burglarizing individuals at knifepoint in secondary school. Jennifer claims she paid $1,500 to a “goth kid” to kill her dad in his working environment parking area.

Ricardo said he returned $200 for an evening out on the town. What’s more, he wouldn’t kill her folks. She and Wong rejoined. She intended to recruit a hired gunman for $10,000 to kill her folks so she could acquire $500,000 from them.

Expectation on living respectively. Wong acquainted Jennifer with Lenford Roy Crawford, whom he called Homeboy, and gave her a SIM card and iPhone so she could reach him without utilizing her customary telephone. Crawford reached “Marksman” Carty, who reached Mylvaganam.

The Crown guaranteed Mylvaganam was a contract killer. 2009 saw Carty’s conviction for a different homicide. The homicide occurred in Markham’s Unionville area. Jennifer left the family home’s front entryway opened on November 8, 2010. Mylvaganam was straightaway.

Before long, Mylvaganam and two others went into the house with weapons. The Crown didn’t recognize Wong and Crawford in court.

Carty said he was the thieves’ skilled accomplice. He picked them and arranged the assault. Carty never referenced being one of three or going after others. The offender is obscure.

In the wake of requesting all the cash in the house and scouring the principal room, the three men shot Jennifer’s folks in the cellar. Her dad endure however not her mom. Three men took all the money in the house, including $2,000 from Jennifer, and escaped.

Jennifer’s options were limited, however she had the option to dial 9-1-1. Her dad was treated at Markham Stouffville Hospital and afterward traveled to Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital.

Captures And Investigation Besides, Jennifer had her most memorable police interview the night after the homicide. She was captured on November 22, 2010, during her third meeting with York Regional Police at the Markham police headquarters (5 District). During that meeting, Jennifer conceded to recruiting the professional killers. She asserted, in any case, that she employed them to kill not her folks, but rather herself.

Besides, the cross examining official, William “Bill” Goetz, dishonestly asserted to Jennifer that he had program that could distinguish lies in articulations. There were additionally satellites that pre-owned infrared innovation to break down building developments. Goetz had utilized the Reid strategy to inspire her admission.

David was additionally captured on April 14, 2011. On April 15, 2011, Carty was additionally captured at the jail where he was being held. Wong was likewise captured on April 26, 2011, at his work environment. Crawford was the last suspect caught, being arrested on May 4, 2011, in Brampton.

Jennifer was condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole for the homicide of her mom and endeavored murder of her dad. Her dad and brother looked for a court request disallowing her from reaching individuals from her enduring family later on. Besides, in spite of the guard attorneys’ protests, the appointed authority gave the request. She is likewise banned from reaching Wong later on.