The Turpin sisters guaranteed their folks, David, and Louise Turpin, hitting and gagging them and their kin for a really long time, with some of them being shackled to beds for quite a long time at a time and being denied food, tidiness, schooling, and medical care.

At the point when specialists uncovered that guardians David and Louise Turpin tormented their 13 youngsters for a really long time, the Turpin family case stunned the globe in 2018.

Jordan Turpin and Jennifer Turpin, two of the Turnip case’s 13 kids, have stood up in a new meeting with ABC News have Diane Sawyer. They are as of late at the center of attention in the wake of sharing the sickening occurrence and how they confronted it.

Jennifer was upset when she informed Sawyer concerning what David and Loise had done. “‘Goodness, they’re incredible, they’re not broken,’ I need the Turpin name to be. They have this; they have this, “she proceeded.

Investigators affirmed that their folks tormented and kept 12 from the 13 youngsters at the Turpin home, who fluctuated in age from 2 to 29 at that point. The most youthful youngster, a baby, seemed, by all accounts, to be saved the absence of sustenance.

The juvenile said her sisters would awaken her around evening time shouting and saying they expected to call somebody on the grounds that the maltreatment had become a lot for them.

Many diaries composed by the young people depicting their life might be found in home. Every one of the adolescents were hospitalized for a long time, following which the six minors were set in two temporary families.

— Read SELECTIVE (@ReadSelective) November 9, 2021

The Riverside County Deputy District Attorney expressed in mid 2020 that “Some of [the children] are independent, living in their condo, working and going to class. A few youngsters take part in local area administration. They go to chapel. One of them was a college alum.

Jennifer Turnip and Jordan Turnip are not accessible on the authority page of Wikipedia at this point. Be that as it may, they have a few insights about the sickening occurrence they looked as Turnip Case on Wikipedia.